Data Protection Layer


CyberSleuth® 360º DataLock™: Encrypt sensitive data and protect it from unauthorized access with CyberSleuth® 360º DataLock™. This module offers data encryption, key management, and access control features. With DataLock™, you can ensure the confidentiality and integrity of your organization's data, comply with data protection regulations, and prevent data breaches.


CyberSleuth® 360º CryptoDefend™: Defend against ransomware and other crypto-based threats with CyberSleuth® 360º CryptoDefend™. This module offers ransomware protection, file encryption, and ransomware recovery features. With CryptoDefend™, you can detect and block ransomware attacks, recover encrypted files, and restore operations quickly following a ransomware incident.


CyberSleuth® 360º DataGuardian™: Protect your organization's data from unauthorized access and exfiltration with CyberSleuth® 360º DataGuardian™. This module offers data loss prevention (DLP) features, including data discovery, classification, and encryption. With DataGuardian™, you can prevent data breaches, comply with data protection regulations, and safeguard your organization's sensitive information.


CyberSleuth® 360º DataSentinel™: Detect and respond to data breaches and insider threats with CyberSleuth® 360º DataSentinel™. This module provides data breach detection and response capabilities, including user behavior analytics, data leakage detection, and incident investigation. With DataSentinel™, you can identify suspicious activities, mitigate data breaches, and protect your organization's sensitive data from unauthorized access.

This layer involves protecting sensitive data from unauthorized access, exfiltration, and breaches through encryption, access controls, and data loss prevention mechanisms, ensuring compliance with data protection regulations.


60% of small businesses that are victims of a cyberattack go out of business within six months.


47% of small businesses say they have no understanding of how to protect themselves against cyber attacks.


There was a 424% increase in new small business cyber breaches last year. Small businesses are low hanging fruit.


Small businesses spend an average of $955,429 to restore normal business in the wake of successful attacks.

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