Email Security Layer


CyberSleuth® 360º SecureMail™: Protect your organization's email communications from cyber threats with CyberSleuth® 360º SecureMail™. This module provides email encryption, anti-spam filters, and email authentication features. With SecureMail™, you can secure sensitive information in transit, prevent email-based attacks, and ensure the confidentiality of your organization's email communications.


CyberSleuth® 360º PhishGuard™: Protect your organization against phishing attacks and email scams with CyberSleuth® 360º PhishGuard™. This module provides email security features, including anti-phishing filters, email authentication, and URL scanning. With PhishGuard™, you can detect and block phishing attempts, educate users about email security best practices, and safeguard your organization's sensitive information.

This layer focuses on protecting email communications from phishing attacks, spam, and other email-based threats through email encryption, anti-phishing filters, and email authentication mechanisms.


60% of small businesses that are victims of a cyberattack go out of business within six months.


47% of small businesses say they have no understanding of how to protect themselves against cyber attacks.


There was a 424% increase in new small business cyber breaches last year. Small businesses are low hanging fruit.


Small businesses spend an average of $955,429 to restore normal business in the wake of successful attacks.

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